Tuesday, April 26, 2022

 I was cleaning the gecko houses yesterday and took a few pics while everything was soaking.

Hades jumped on my hand, which was a perfect opportunity to get a pic that shows how big he is.  This was right before he jumped off.

They're Grey's pets, but I got to name them.  They were all young when he got them, so we had no idea if they were male or female.  Hades was originally called Athena.  

He's looking a bit dull because he's getting ready to shed.  He has his own housing, as he was aggressive towards Aphrodite, the female and used to chase the others away from the food bowl.  When we swapped him out, he would be food aggressive with me when it was time to get his bowl out.  He would stand over his bowl and I would have to chase him off.  He calmed down and he is quite used to Food Lady now.

This is Aphrodite.  She lost her tail.  They're nicknamed frog butts when it happens.  We're not sure if she's gravid (carrying eggs).   Crested geckos are kinda chunky at the best of times.

She's been sticking her head in the substrate, which is a way for them to check the humidity and temperature before they lay eggs.  There's a couple of eggs that Grey has incubating.  We'll know if they're good or duds in the next month or so.

I couldn't get a good pic of Heracles.  When they are babies, they use their tails to hang on to things.  We used to be convinced they'd all lose their tails, as they droop back when they're upside down.

Gecko feet use electro static forces (thank you Google).  Heracles is upside down here.  They are great jumpers and move fast.   The first time I handled one, it was a surprise to find out how soft their skin is.  I'd assumed it would feel like the skin of skinks.

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