Friday, July 23, 2021

Progress on more string blocks.  There's one more under the sewing machine needle.  For the first lot, I  was string piecing three at a time.  That worked pretty well and it felt like they were moving along nicely and I could see my progress.  This time, I string pieced all ten at a time (snipping after two, so I didn't get into a tangled mess).  Never again!  It felt like time stood still.  Which it didn't.  Just felt that way.

So when the junk mail arrived yesterday, I cut part of the Foodlion catalog into 4 1/2 inch squares for some bender blocks. (They're leader and ender blocks, but less of a mouthful to say.)  That way, I can feed through just a couple of the big blocks through, which will be much more manageable.  Plus, there will eventually be a mini string quilt made from the large ones scraps.  Win, win. 😊

There's just a side seam and a sleeve to attach to the oversized jumper.  That should be finished by the end of the weekend.  I enjoy matress stitch, so it doesn't feel like a chore.  After that a quick bath and it will be tucked away until the cold weather.

The grey Fitted Cardigan by Jo Sharp is next.  There's a little more to do with this one, as the button/neck band has to be knit on after the pieces are sewn together.  

The current jumper had a bit of a pause, as I was considering knitting plain sleeves, instead of with lace, as I wasn't sure if I'd get cold with holey sleeves.  After considering all the options, I decided to knit the lace, as if necessary, it can be a cooler weather jumper.  

The lace pattern is fairly simple, but I will still need to pay attention to it.  That means I need to cast on something simple with one or of the yarns from the Santa Sack.....or maybe 3. 😉




  1. Love your knitting and your string blocks! I call them "tweens" because I sew them beTWEEN other stuff - ;))

  2. Your projects are looking awesome. I am still wanting to do some string piecing after seeing yours. I will have to remember to do just a few at a time . Have a great weekend, Sue and happy quilting and knitting.


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...