Monday, March 29, 2021

Time for the biannual stash toss.  The whole stash gets reorganized and the lists in the boxes that have them are rewritten.

Starting with the fabric scraps today.  Organizing the scraps by color, square and strip sizes (1 1/2 in to 6 1/2 in, in half inch increments) needs a freshen up.

They're all in mesh zippered bags now, according to color.  Current WIPs have their own pouch, as well as a couple of future WIPs (just patterns of soon to be new starts).

The blues.

These bags of strips have been sitting in  yardage boxes, accordingto color.  They all range from 1 1/2 inch to 3 1/2 inch wide strips.  It was only when I saw that there wasn't a pink bag, that I realized it was my original scrap stash.  I used to feed the bags with leftovers until there was enough variety to make a quilt.  The quilt in the guest bedroom was made that all greens!

Just out of curiosity, I weighed it....9.3lb!!!  You could put that in two reusable shopping bags and use it for weight lifting.  Lol

The bags have a temporary home in the rather large plastic bag from a Sam's delivery today.  After the stash toss is finished, they'll make a nice dent in strips for a log cabin.

Still chipping away at the WIP pile.  The carrots are finished, as well as the binding for Always Bee Kind, which is next on my WIP list to finish.  

A bare wreath will just not do!  After the carrots were cut out and the pieces sewn and turned, I had the idea that filling the wreath with carrots (green pointing outwards) would look super cute and they were fun and take no time to make.  After joining the pieces, that idea was canned, as it was very fiddly.  Instead, there'll be a bow at the top, one carrot on the bunny's lap and the others on either side of her.

I've stitched a small patriotic project every year since I moved to the US.  Since this will be my first 4th July since I became a citizen, I wanted to make something special.  To make it matchy, matchy with the others, I'll tea dye some white 14 count aida.  Last night I converted all the floss for Summer Jubilee by Blackbird Designs from Weeks Dye Works to DMC and made a list of the floss I need to get.  What I didn't think about was the fact that I'm changing the fabric to be much lighter.  That list has been tossed, so I'll start anew.  It's always fun to pick out floss.

The neighbor's ducks (there's four) and chicken have taken up part time residence in our yard.  Seems that the grass IS greener on the other side!  It's rained so much lately that it's a quagmire down in the bottom and they go back and forth during the day.

I've yet to decide what to tackle next in the stash toss.  I'm thinking I may "eat the frog first" and go through the fabric boxes.  I'll see how I feel about that tomorrow!

1 comment:

Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...