Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween decorations stay out all fall.

Each fall I collect acorns and pine cones, but only use fake ones within Bailey's reach, after the Great Fake Snow Debacle of 2016.  I'd made a winter display (within Bailey's reach) and scattered fake snow covered pine cones I'd collected from the yard.  It was up less than a day after that I heard a crunching noise and turned around to see Bailey chewing on one!  

My witchy stitchy bag, where all the Halloween projects are kept.

Halloween is my favorite holiday.  There's always a Halloween project on the go.  This one is Double, Double by The Prairie Schooler.   

The orange flames will be replaced with green beads.

Crescent Angel by The Primitive Needle.

The fabric I'm using is a bluish grey and there's a good contrast between that and the floss (it doesn't show on my photo) so the wings won't be filled in.

Monochromatic stitching is a lot of fun and so are alphabets.  Thinking about getting small silver colored buttons for the border instead of stitching it.  The fabric was thrown in a pot of black tea and left overnight to soak and is darker than it shows here.

It wouldn't be Halloween without Hocus Pocus.....

.....and something in my favorite mug.


1 comment:

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