Sunday, November 1, 2020



This is going to be finished by the end of the year.  

Oops!  That's what I get for not checking that I screwed everything together properly and ignoring the needle feeling like it was snagging.  

Knitting the back of a cardigan waiting for long cords from Amazon, so I can knit the front and back on the stripey sweater.  The yarn for the sweater is a lot thicker, so it knits up fast.  Fast as in, it'll be ready to seam up in a month.  lol. There's no shaping, so it will be a great project for knitting here and there.

Needed to do some unpicking and restitching last night, as it wasn't possible to fudge around the mistake.  Need to do a bit more tonight, then it'll be put away until the wolves are finished.

1 comment:

Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...