Thursday, October 29, 2020

 Finished the devil.  The meat flipper Grey made doubles as a pitchfork.  

In the pattern, he only had a collar, so I extended it to make it a cloak and changed his tail.  I think he's cute.

I was getting ready to go grocery shopping until I looked out the den window.

Then out the bathroom window and decided to wait.

As well as the flooding, the wind started howling and tree limbs were dropping, so the only real choice I had was to hunker down with a cup of tea and hook a few more flower centers!

No more kitting up floss for cross stitch projects in advance.  It's more practical just pulling floss as I need it.  

There's a few big projects I'm planning on starting next year.  This is one of them.  It's all black and quite striking.

Woodland Fairy by Joan Elliot.

Rapunzel by Teresa Wentzler.

Waiting For The Mists To Clear by Character Creations.

They're my motivation to get Grey's finished.  

Quilt wise....a log cabin quilt for our bed.....with no borders.  IMHO borders are a conspiracy by quilt fabric companies to sell more yardage!  lol  I do like the way quilts look without borders.  The only time I add them is if I've run out of fabric for the blocks.

1 comment:

  1. Your little devil is definitely CUTE!! I like the pitchfork, too! Good idea to hunker down - and your floss is SO organized - I agree - it looks easier to just pull the one you need as you go along. Your projects are BEAUTIFUL!! - I'm looking forward to seeing those in progress - and completed next year. I also agree with you on quilt borders - they are a royal pain - and I avoid them if at all possible - LOL - ;))


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...