Sunday, March 15, 2020

I lost the battle to startitus hit last night.  (I wasn't fighting back lol)  A small project seemed to be the way to go.  I rummaged in my yarn stash (I nearly always pick the yarn first and then either pick a pattern or make something up.)  where I found a few small balls of leftover sock yarn.  They are all stripes or variegated, so one of Arne and Carlos' Easter eggs from their book Easter Knits was just the ticket.  

This is how far I knit before falling asleep.  The 2mm needles are from Hobby Lobby and seem to be working.  I prefer metal needles to wooden when they are this thin.  I have to admit I groaned a bit at the thought of digging through and finding a suitable size.  It was a pleasant surprise to find them all bagged up in the pouches I'd made recently....which I had buried the memory of making forgotten about.  It felt like a chore at the time, but I'm so glad I stuck with it.

Cooking and baking are a lot of fun.  This is the second time I've made these no bake granola bars.  I tweaked the recipe a little, adding dried fruit, seeds and nuts from the pantry and some white chocolate drops. They're delicious!

When they were made, I was still in a cooking mood, so raided the spice cupboard and made a batch of Chaat Masala.  It was added to a can each of tomatoes, black eyed peas, coconut milk and a fried onion.  Until it all rendered down and the flavors melded, it tasted pretty awful.  I wasn't using a recipe, but in the end, it turned out really tasty!  It was super quick and easy to make.  Next time, I'm going to make it in the instapot and add the coconut milk after it's cooked, just in case it curdles or sticks and triggersthe burn message.  That way, it will be even easier to make, as I won't have to remember to stir the pot to stop it sticking.  (I'm putting this here, in case I forget what I've done!)


  1. Haha - I put things in my blog so I don't forget them, too! A simple "search" of my blog is easier than trying to find my notes - where ever THEY are - LOL. Startitus is rampant at my house - your knitting projects look lovely - I don't dare start any of those - ;))

    1. Lol whenever I make notes, they never seem to make sense after a while. Thank you! Oh, you should!


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...