Friday, April 15, 2022

Stitching down the appliqué.
There's granny knot galore in the tacking.  The background is blue, not the bluish grey that's showing up here.  

The first leaf is finished.  I think this is the first "proper" project I've used freezer paper appliqué on.  It lays flatter than needle turn (or it might be how I did it).  Starching the fabric didn't make getting the needle through the fabric any more difficult.  I do like being able to just keep stitching rather than having to turn the fabric under every few stitches.  I don't know if it's any faster or slower than needle turn.  I just enjoy the process of hand stitching pieces.

The only thread that was close to the fabric color is lighter.  I prefer a tad darker if I don't have a match.  I just like the way it looks on my projects.   Do you have a preference?  

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE seeing needle projects going in the CORRECT direction - LOL!! I agree with you - I prefer a slightly darker thread if I don't have a match - somehow thread seems to show up lighter than it actually is - and darker threads lighten up just right - ;))


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