Friday, August 27, 2021

A couple more pumpkins are stuffed and ready for a piece of stick as the stalk.  The crochet one was too holey, so it was cut open and the stuffing removed for another project.

The front left and back of the grey cardigan are finished, washed and are drying.  Fingers crossed, it will be finished in about three weeks.

The wide striped fabric went back in the stash.  Mod Podged the glitter ribbon to stop it shedding.

Oops!  The heart flipped upside down. 

I held my breathe the whole time I was turning this one out the right way, as the spider head and body are woven onto a few long stitches in a spiral, not sewn down.  They both stayed in place.

I'm thinking about adding some tiny leaves to look like they're blowing down under the fence.  It looks a bit bare.

Sewing these up was a squirrel.  I'd gone into the craft room to cut up and sew more string blocks.  The cross stitch finishing pile was sitting next to the sewing machine, mocking me.  It's been halved.  Now there's just a tiny, fiddly stocking and a couple that I have no idea how to finish.  

ORP - old random project.  Much more fun than UFO.  😉

1 comment:

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