Friday, July 2, 2021


The stitching for June's cross stitch camp (an Instagram SAL) is finished.  It's gone into the finishing pile.  

When it's finished, it'll look something like this.

July's is ready to go.  This month's theme is a new to you designer.  I'm changing it a bit.  The spiders will have candy corn bodies and I'll probably leave out the three candy corn on the bottom of the design.

My Santa Sack arrived Wednesday.  No lumps of coal!  Haha!  

I've been happily flicking through my knitting books looking for something to make. 

 I've wanted to try this yarn for a while, so I'm dead pleased.  

A couple of striped cropped short sleeved tops that can be worn over long sleeved t-shirts (because I don't want to flash my belly) are in my future!

Found a new friend at Lowes the other day.  It just needs to be potted up.  


  1. Oh what fun stitches. Your stocking is going to look so pretty in red and what a great idea on candy cane bodies for the spiders.I am anxious to see that. Happy stitching.


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...