Saturday, January 2, 2021

 My word for 2021 is....



I know that comes as no great shock.

I missed not keeping notes last year on what I worked on each day.  I was just fun to do, so have revived it for this year. It's just for fun.  I wrote the acronyms up the top so I don't forget what they are.  They're for the gunna projects that tend to get neglected.  

The 30 minutes of quilting went out the window, as Ares dropped his tail yesterday.  One thing led to another and I cleaned out both enclosures a day early.  The only tail I found was Athena's.  She had buried herself under the moss, with just her tail sticking out.  We were both surprised when I started to lift it.  lol I assume one of them ate the tail.  Gross, but makes sense,   They eat their skin when they shed, as it gives them nutrients and doesn't leave anything for predators to find.

Anyway, that means I'll just have to do extra on that project to play catch up.  Sad, I know.  Haha!

1 comment:

  1. "Squirrel" - now why didn't I think of that? - LOL. I forgot who Ares was and had to search your blog to find he is a gecko - then the "dropped his tail" made sense - until then - it sounded a bit weird - haha - ;))


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