Saturday, January 9, 2021

The stitching is finished on Miss Mary Mack by La-D-Da.  A pack of 50 silver buttons will be arriving tomorrow to use as a border.   The last time I sewed on 50 buttons I swore I'd never do it again.  lol  Never say never, right?

I thought about starting a new project, but am having fun with WIPs.  There's a couple that are going to be binned, then I'll be down to about six, not counting the one I'm stitching for Grey.
This morning, I sorted through the last of the fabric scraps and binned the pieces that are too small to use. The crate is in the basement for Grey to use. Next step is to press (BEB says REAL pressing, not ironing and calling it pressing) the fabric and play with the die cutter.  All that's left is weird shaped small pieces, mostly left over from appliqué.

I may be able to find enough bits and pieces for a practice block before sewing the next mini quilt.  Squirrel!  lol

The one thread a day hand quilting project is still puttering along.  I'd forgotten how much I enjoy hand quilting.  The needle broke in half this morning.  Gotta hate hearing that SNAP! Fortunately, there's almost a whole packet left.

We made another icicle on Thursday.  It was gloomy yesterday when I took the photo, but you get the idea.  I forgot how I'd sewn the bag, so went through most of the "this is not working" process again.  lol

While Grey was forging it and another piece, Bailey sat on my lap and we kept him company as I crocheted a couple of flower centers.


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Miss Mary Mack - the buttons sound like some mindless sewing so shouldn't be that bad. I can relate to the forgetting how you'd sewn the bag - that's one reason I post some stuff step-by-step - so I can find it later and not have to go through the "this is not working" process again - ;))


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...