Thursday, August 20, 2020

Swatched 8 rows yesterday using the Oriel pattern on rubbish yarn.  It was just enough to decide I like knitting the pattern.  What I didn't realize was I'd picked the wrong needles.  Size 5 US needles are a lot larger than 5mm.  lol. That's part of the reason I swatch first, to sort out silly mistakes.

The shortie sock yarn came yesterday.  It's really fine, so it'll be knit on size 1 needles.  It's chilly this morning (happy about that) which means I need to knit monogamous on a pair if I want to wear them before the weather changes.

This arrived yesterday, too.  There's a ton of lovely samplers and houses I'd like to stitch....after I have a pair of socks.

It's always pumpkin spice season here.  It goes smoothies and coffee.  I like cooking with spices, so there's everything needed in the cupboard and I can make it to my taste.

Here's my recipe...
3 tablespoons ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons ground ginger
2 teaspoons nutmeg
1 1/2 teaspoons all spice
1 1/2 teaspoons ground cloves
2 teaspoons cardamom 

1 comment:

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