Thursday, March 19, 2020

Knitting one of Arne and Carlos' Easter eggs.  They're fun to knit and fairly quick, too.  The colored yarn is sock leftovers.

These are a few more Easter eggs I knit last year.  All the colors were dyed with Kool-aid.  I'd like to knit about 20 altogether, as there's a metal tree in the Pit Of Doom (basement) which will be perfect for hanging the eggs.

There going to be more knitting and cross stitch in the near future, as it's uncomfortable sitting at the sewing machine due to shin splints.  I overdid it exercisung a couple of weeks ago.  Lesson learned!  I will be preparing a couple or twenty appliqué quilts.  That way I'll get my fabric petting fix!


  1. Knitted Easter eggs - Pit of Doom - shin splints - and a couple or twenty applique quilts - sounds like a good balance - LOL - ;))

    1. Bahahahahahaaaa! It's all about balance!


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...