Sunday, February 9, 2020

Friday morning we made a necklace with a piece of quarter inch square stock.  We used the same technique as the key fob in my last post.  The design needs a bit of tweaking, but it's well on the way.  

My quilting mojo has flown out the window.  Hopefully, it will be back soon.   There has been some progress on the wolf cross stitch.  A few hundred stitches in, with about 3, 000 to go!  

On the knitting front, there's been a lot of casting on, then ripping back, as I look for the right pattern.  Last night I cast on some Mad Tosh fingering weight on AU size 5 1/2 needles in linen stitch for a scarf.  That looked odd, so needs to be ripped back.  A hat in some Ella Rae acrylic/alpaca blend was cast on, too, but it needs a smaller needle.  I did see that it's very fuzzy, so will be knit plain.  I thought about taking pics post-ripping.  Progress pics are on the way.....maybe! lol


  1. Your necklace is NICE! - Knitting casting on - ripping back - yeah - I've done that a time or two or three - LOL - ;))

    1. Thank you! I'm just glad I can rip knitting back. There's no ripping with metal! lol

  2. It looks like you are doing plenty - even if you're not feeling like doing any quilting. Your necklace is gorgeous - how cool to make your own jewellery.

    1. You're right. 😊 There's only so many hours in a day! Thank you. I've not had it off since we made it.


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...