Wednesday, October 9, 2019


Hello!  Welcome to my blog and first post.  My name is Sue.  I've been cross stitching for 37 years, quilting for 20 and knitting for 15.   I'm Australian and live with my husband and childerbeasts (dogs and snakes) in North Carolina.  

For the last few months I've been working on my quilting UFO pile.

Gobble It Up by Kristina Brinkerhoff of Center Street Quilts. (Better Homes and Gardens Quilts and More)  All the fabric was from stash, with some deep stash diving to find the hand dyed yellow/orange fabric.  The eyes don't look quite right, so they'll be changed for smaller buttons.

Too Fa-Boo-Lous is from the book "Oh, the Possibilities...FOR HALLOWEEN!" by Kimberbell.  Finished just in time for Halloween.  The flowers finish it off and they were easy to make.

This was the first hand applique I've made and I liked it very much.  Next time I'll know only to clip the inside curves.  All ten projects in the book are adorable.  This won't be the only one I make.

Thanksgiving Bird by Heart In Hand was stitched on 14 count aida that was tea dyed.  I don't do anything fancy to tea dye, just throw the fabric in a saucepan of lukewarm tea (from teabags) and let it sit for a few hours.

It sat in the finishing pile for a while until I spotted a fq of this fabric in Walmart.  I couldn't resist making it into a wall hanging.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to blogland Sue. Lots of interesting projects so I am looking forward to following your progress. xx


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...