Thursday, October 15, 2020


It's a gloomy day, today, as you can see by this pic!  This is one of my favorite cross stitch pieces.

The fabric was tea dyed.  There's a ton of  YouTube tutorials for tea dyeing, which make it a longer and more laborious process than mine.  All I do is steep a few cheap large teabags in a dye pot with a bit of boiling water for a while.  Then swap them out for the fabric and let it sit overnight.  It's the same way I've been doing it for over 30 years.  Simple, but effective.

When I ran out of the orange floss I dyed from leftovers for another dyeing project, I rummaged round in the stash for green floss.  

Another favorite pattern.  

Magnus Mouse in his fall sweater.  The wreath was made 30 something years ago with grapevines which grew on the property our house is on.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your cross-stitch - BOB laughed out loud at the "Why yes, I CAN drive a stick!" - ;))


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