Monday, October 26, 2020

Done.  Just needs to be sewn and stuffed.

 Hummus is my favorite food.....delicious and nutritious!

Forgot all about spraying the inside of  the sewing box lid until this morning.  One more coat if it doesn't rain tomorrow and it will be ready to start decorating.

It was cold and rainy yesterday, so the only sensible thing to do was finish the leg on a sock.

When I bought this book, I wasn't a knitter.  Before I'd finished reading it, I was planning the 166 mile round trip to the nearest  knitting shop!  

In my defense,  I was living in the middle of nowhere (the pic is the main street), in a town with 100 people and tens of thousands of sheep in the area.  I'm sure the lanolin fumes had a lot to do with it!

1 comment:

  1. Your witch looks great - the hummus, not so much - the book and main street look interesting - must be the lanolin fumes - LOL - ;))


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...