Friday, September 25, 2020

 Started sorting through hexi  WIPs.  This is the oldest.  It's been on the go for 6 years and is back in the ever changing crafty rotation.

Half inch hexi flowers.  No particular plan with these.  Just stitch on them when the mood strikes.  

The templates are thick cardboard flyers and the fabrics are cut down from scraps that are 1 1/2 inches or less.  Tins are my favorite way to store hand piecing projects.  These were from Dollar Tree.

These are 1 inch.  Haven't started this one yet.  Had a mad session a few weeks ago, cutting up weird shaped small scraps a few weeks ago.  The flowers will be all different fabrics.  This will be a Grandmother's Garden. 

These are a bit bigger and the fabric will be fussy cut.  

Knit a couple of inches on the cuff, tried it on.  It was a bit loose, so frogged, then reknit it with 10 less stitches.  Fits great.  The thumb gusset is next.

Still practicing single crochet.   I'm running a bit short on cleaning cloths and thought it would be quicker to crochet rather than knit one.  It was.  Good practice, too.  I wet it and threw it in the dryer with a load of clothes to see what that would do.  It shrunk.  That's fine.  Just need to work out how many stitches need to be added to make it the size I like.

The bottom one was just to see what would happen when increasing into every stitch in the round.  The next step is to frog it and practice making and joining flowers.  Some ornate dishcloths/cleaning cloths are on the way!

A few months ago I decided to try out a mitten pattern.    The pattern called for the tip of the mitten and thumb to just be threaded through when finished.  I don't like the way it looks and don't like the feel of mittens, either.  So, they're in the middle of being frogged and the yarn rewound.  The yarn is lovely, so will become a pair of fingerless mittens when I find a pattern.

Wound up all the odd balls of Noro Silk Garden and ended up with about 480 yards.  Plenty for a scarf and maybe a hat.  This is the same yarn as the shawl, just a different colorway.

Here's a closeup.  The green scarf was frogged yesterday, as I wasn't feeling it.  I found the bag of partial balls when returning the green yarn to the stash.  There was a very good reason for it.  I'd photocopied the wrong pattern.  Fortunately, I'd only knit a few rows.  Just need to choose a pattern for this one and copy it right away.  

1 comment:

  1. Nice projects - it's great to have a bunch in rotation - choose whichever one suits your mood on any given day - ;))


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