Thursday, August 13, 2020

Happy International Left Handers Day!  I love a good stitch dictionary....especially when it's for lefties!  There's instructions in this one for right handers....just reverse it.  

On the last ball of yarn for my Boneyard shawl.  The blues show up more purple than in real life.  It's my current car knitting project and I'm starting to think about the next one, so it will be ready to go.  My criteria has to be simple and on circular needles.  That means no socks, as it's too easy to drop a needle down the side of the seat. lol. It also has to be easy to this one....Boneyard by Stephen West.

It will probably be the back on my grey cardigan, as I'd like to have it ready to wear sometime this fall.  

Snowflake (another Stephen West design) is in the preparation stage.  The yarn is being wound, ready to dye.  The diamond shapes are knit in garter stitch, which I'm changing, as it stretches and I think k that will be a problem, as it'sat the top of the shawl.  I don't want a saggy shawl top! I'll need to swatch to make sure it's the same size and also work out which stitch pattern to use.  That section is knit in separate sections, then joined, so it'll be fun working it out.

This weekend I'll sew the cushion cover together.  (Writing it here means it will happen lol)   There will be some stash diving and planning for a fall table runner, too.  It may go no further than petting fabric and looking through quilt books, but that's all part of the fun!


1 comment:

  1. Ooh - a Left-Handed embroidery book!! I'm looking forward to seeing your knitting progress - ;))


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...