Saturday, January 18, 2020

Friday Night With Friends

I'm joined for this month's FNWF.  

This is one of my favorite designs by Little House Needleworks.  It's on my list for part of my spring decorating this year.  So, I thought it was about time I got a wriggle on and put some more stitches in!

The silk didn't look right.  It's much murkier looking in r/l.  

Neither did the purple, which looked murky, too!  Pink is next.  I'm quite happy playing around with different colors until it's right.

During a bit of pink pondering,  this mini Geese Around The World received a bit of attention.  It's the 3rd one.

Another is on the basement door.

The pattern is from Sarah Fielke's book Quilting From Little Things.  The pic is from the book.

The one I'm sewing now will not have a border, as the rest of the fabric is earmarked for another mini, which will sit on the pantry door, opposite the basement.  

A bit of time was spent flicking through quilt books, looking for a new start.  This one's from 1999 and has a small quilt from The Chook Shed Quilt Co. Which I started pulling fabrics for.  

It's Chooks In Clover.  Their patterns are a lot of fun to make and as my needleturn skills are rather rusty, I think it's a great time to start a few!


  1. You have a few lovely projects on the go.
    Enjoy doing them.

  2. Love the brightness of the mini geese. Hope the pondering produces a good result

    1. I'm really happy with that color combo. I'm sure it will!

  3. A lovely array of projects. That's a gorgeous cross stitch design, plus I love the circular flying geese - a pattern I'd love to do one day! Nothing nicer than planning a new project - I bet you'll have fun making the chooks!

    1. Thank you! The circular flying geese are a lot of fun to sew. Foundation piecing makes it fairly easy, too. I agree about planning. All that fabric petting can only be a good thing!


Progress on Pint Size by Kim Diehl from the book Simple Whatnots III.   The quilt ruler and rotary cutter combo that I'd been using sinc...